
Started by KAKAN, Oct 04, 2015, 01:13 PM

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So, these are just the markers I made around VCMP, to make it feel like VC.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to create all of them, if u have some more, you are free to post them here
I missed one important marker: and that is B, the biker one

Add this on onScriptLoad()
And here are the functions, paste them anywhere in your script.
Marks <- [
[ Vector( 496.2365, -84.4060, 10.0303 ), 13 ],
[ Vector( -378.1886, -541.0148, 17.2831 ), 29 ],
[ Vector( -636.5052, -1486.2062, 13.6366 ), 12 ],
[ Vector( -865.0884, -569.6799, 11.1080 ), 21 ],
[ Vector( -1004.1774, 198.2034, 11.4103 ), 22 ],
[ Vector( -884.3292, 1053.2415, 13.1551 ), 23 ],
[ Vector( -1022.6064, -856.6926, 13.0927 ), 26 ],
[ Vector( -46.8305, 953.1503, 10.9403 ), 15 ],
[ Vector( -596.642, 642.104, 11.6765 ), 5 ],
[ Vector( -680.864, 1202.67, 11.1098 ), 16 ],
[ Vector( -62.7244, -1481.67, 10.4879 ), 16 ],
[ Vector( 199.832, -474.905, 11.0699 ), 18 ]

function LoadMarks( ) for(local i = 0; i < Marks.len(); i++ ) CreateMarker( 1, Marks[ i ][ 0 ], 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), Marks[ i ][ 1 ] );

function GetMarkCount() return Marks.len();
oh no


function onScriptLoad()

function LoadMarks()
local Marks = [
[ CreateMarker( 1, Vector( 496.2365, -84.4060, 10.0303 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 13 ) ],
[ CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -378.1886, -541.0148, 17.2831 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 29 ) ],
[ CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -636.5052, -1486.2062, 13.6366 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 12 ) ],
[ CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -865.0884, -569.6799, 11.1080 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 21 ) ],
[ CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -1004.1774, 198.2034, 11.4103 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 22 ) ],
[ CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -884.3292, 1053.2415, 13.1551 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 23 ) ],
[ CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -1022.6064, -856.6926, 13.0927 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 26 ) ],
[ CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -46.8305, 953.1503, 10.9403 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 15 ) ]

foreach( val, id in Marks ) {}
print( "Markers loaded" );

Locals are faster in functions, since its only going to get called once, the local Marks array will locally get created on server start until the markers are created, you can also avoid that for loop and use a simple foreach since we are using an array. :D


You don't even need a loop there. And you don't need those extra [ ] either.

local Marks = [
 CreateMarker( 1, Vector( 496.2365, -84.4060, 10.0303 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 13 ),
 CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -378.1886, -541.0148, 17.2831 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 29 ),
 CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -636.5052, -1486.2062, 13.6366 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 12 ),
 CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -865.0884, -569.6799, 11.1080 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 21 ),
 CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -1004.1774, 198.2034, 11.4103 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 22 ),
 CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -884.3292, 1053.2415, 13.1551 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 23 ),
 CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -1022.6064, -856.6926, 13.0927 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 26 ),
 CreateMarker( 1, Vector( -46.8305, 953.1503, 10.9403 ), 5, RGB(10, 10, 10), 15 ]


Didn't mean to make it with loop, but still it can be configured with loop as well, the loop is empty, shows the loop isn't needed tho but the idea was it can be made more simpler.


Yet, I like to use my way. As it is simple and easier to understand.
Hmm, the thing,"locals are faster", I didn't knew about it. Thanks!
oh no


KAKAN i use this marks. Good work but add more marks which are not in VC.


I forgot to update.
I'll update it as soon as I'm back from my trip
oh no




Updated the whole code.
oh no