Fireside chat: the future of VC:MP

Started by Stormeus, Jun 02, 2018, 06:11 AM

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Quote from: EK.IceFlake on Jun 02, 2018, 06:16 PMMaybe release the source code without the makefiles/Visual Studio files. Then the script kiddies won't be helped by Youtube tutorials.

I don't think that's an option because there would still be pseudo-VC:MPs and trust me, you don't want to be fooled into running an executable that's not safe ::) (then the blame would fall on stormeus).

I think the solution still is a team of developers with enough C++ skills to make beneficial contributions. Remember that you need to be good at reverse engineering, object-oriented programming and networking (plus be familiar with squirrel). I would be glad to help whenever I have the spare time to do so, but I am approaching a stressful period of time. Hopefully we get to see this mod revived in the near future.
QuotePS:is trash is ur home language??


I also have something to say here. Everyone believes that the community of VCMP is dying but this is not the end. The developers of VCMP left the project thinking about abandoning it, do they know the feelings of other community members? you guys are wrong that VCMP is dying just a few members left it and many will spring out in the next 2 months(due to vacations). If any developer of VCMP gives time to the project, I am sure that the community will be back again.

I am playing VCMP for the last 4 years, came to the forum previous year and found that no developer is interested in it. To save VCMP, you guys need to hire new developers even if they aren't skilled enough but will make the project green again. Many players are leaving it due to the birth of latest hacks in VCMP. Once removed, the players will show their real skills. VCMP project needs to be improved and I am sure will grab a lot of attraction. @Stormeus believe me, you are the one who can revive VCMP. While you were away, Thijn played an important part in the community but it's the time that you should come back. A sack of new developers means new ideas in scripting it. If you have 8 hours free, then just reserve 1 hour for the project. I think you will be just monitoring the project, rest will be in hands of the developers. If you manage the project and advertise it before closing 0.4 that 0.5 is being launched, I am sure that the community members will increase a lot in the starting month to see the latest version. Hope that you understand what I am trying to say. Many players who are working in the community will be happy to work with you.


As NewK said, both Murdock and SLC are most suitable for the job and both working together can bring back life to this community.

It's been almost a year since I left, and I actually want to get back. I hope this gets to something otherwise this will all be over forever.


I'm not even sure if Stormeus has time to give to SLC and Murdock the developer role. All this hope might be just a loss of time.


Stormeus, and in extension whoever else makes up the dev team, I think you need an outside perspective.

Now I'm no coder but I started getting real serious about custom 3D model design (building something from scratch) recently along with utilizing my graphic design skill set as it would regards to GUI and map development. My aspiration is to finish my project of building from scratch an entirely new city, new world, new sandbox to play on. Hell the next Vice War in December is a spin-off project of this main one. The drive is there for me to give back to the community to be able to can push this kind of material for themselves, to know what to do as we can all agree this part of the 0.4 update has been half-wasted potential. Not much 3D designers around.

Now I mention this to point out as an outsider coming in with a passion, when I speak to Shadow, SLC, Seby, vito, Doom_Kill3R, Drake and NewK for advice around this, you can sense the level of resentment they have to the dev team. I look at the myriad of contributions SLC made here, idk the history but I was absolutely astonished to find out that he is not apart of the development team, absolutely shocked. The dev body has its reasons I'm sure, always multiple sides to a story but as far as my eyes can see, speaking bluntly here, someone made a stupid decision, straight up. And the worse part is it's like for some reason he's not being heard, he's giving so much and the higher body doesn't care much for it, just challenge and dismiss him to a discouraging degree in my opinion. It is so bizarre to me. Did he do something? I don't know but the community praises his efforts here; his work speaks for itself. Kudos to him for being around so long, for putting up with all that wall action against him.

Then, I look at some projects Shadow has tried and even some advice he's given me and I could pick it up early that Shadow is one of those persons that aspired (if not still aspire) to create some useful mods to VC, things missing in the original game like a GPS system out of the map world. I can't recall if that was a project for him but he seems like the kind of person that would try that kinda thing, add to the capability of VC:MP in some useful and interesting ways and you know what I noticed? He just gets shut down and that's the end of that. The dev team killed his horse and he can't revive it. Doom_Kill3R it's the same thing but from a different angle (I was speaking to him about GUI related stuff), and to this day I haven't seen him say a single thing good about the direction the GUI code opted to take.

Again, multiple sides to a story so I don't want to be closed-minded to hold the wrong conclusion but what I'm picking up here is that in this section of VC:MP, we have passionate creative people having their dreams destroyed because more often that not, the dev team issued a blind eye and deaf ear to the community. So whoever steps up and wants to continue development for VC:MP, forget about busy lives and time constraints, think about the union and relationships we have as a community first.

Whatever happened before shouldn't matter. Start on a clean slate where the developers are hearing the needs of the creators and the creators are appreciating the efforts of the developers. Whatever system you had that threatens this now, get rid of it. The community will get a lot farther than it is right now if we all strive for good relations.


Quote from: Stormeus...
so completely open sourcing VC:MP is also out of the question since I have no doubt that any positive contributions by the community would be immediately outweighed by people changing the code to cheat....
yes, even if it became open source the contributions that i expect is for scripting side, no core will be touched as lack of professionals

Quote from: SLCI am not inactive. I've simply moved to a different community. One where you can actually have a coherent discussion and not just `wAnt scriPTs and CMd. GIvE!!!`. Which has been the case when the developers stopped visiting the forum. We all thought the project was abandoned and there was nothing to be done about....
Not all speaks english well, most of who asked these questions arent English-Native speakers or even learnt it, if this project is global then we should have multi-lingual boards for them, also there are moderators who have to handle these not devs.


@Zurix That was an exaggeration. I don't care about broken text (up to a point). I meant that they just come and request. And then we have to deal with their issues because they can't read documentation either.


Quote from: Zurix on Jun 04, 2018, 07:30 AMNot all speaks english well, most of who asked these questions arent English-Native speakers or even learnt it, if this project is global then we should have multi-lingual boards for them, also there are moderators who have to handle these not devs.

Well, to be honest, English is not the native language for more than 80-90% (myself included) of this forum, and that's not an excuse in today's society anymore. But we are slowly drifting away from the topic, I guess all we are waiting for right now is an official reply from the developers. Please keep the discussion on topic.
QuotePS:is trash is ur home language??


Quote from: . on Jun 04, 2018, 09:48 AM@Zurix That was an exaggeration. I don't care about broken text (up to a point). I meant that they just come and request. And then we have to deal with their issues because they can't read documentation either.
well yes they questions arent understandable and hmm the replies to it seems  useless but they may dont understand that wiki, or just new to concept of scripting. but a guy from his country/language region can easily deal with him and lead him, also one of things that made me hate the community is mocking/disleading these people for not having the language expereince.
Quote from: Shadow on Jun 04, 2018, 10:39 AM
Quote from: Zurix on Jun 04, 2018, 07:30 AMNot all speaks english well, most of who asked these questions arent English-Native speakers or even learnt it, if this project is global then we should have multi-lingual boards for them, also there are moderators who have to handle these not devs.

Well, to be honest, English is not the native language for more than 80-90% (myself included) of this forum, and that's not an excuse in today's society anymore. But we are slowly drifting away from the topic, I guess all we are waiting for right now is an official reply from the developers. Please keep the discussion on topic.
yep, but ofcourse there are some people who just know the basics and as i said to SLC, ok no problem in being on topic.


I'm looking forward to a new future for my favorite old game.
I may be a slow walker but I am always walking.


Quote from: Rest on Jun 05, 2018, 11:24 AMI'm looking forward to a new future for my favorite old game.
Everyone does., but I don't think we will be ever able to see it.


SLC is best option currently there is no one in vcmp who deserve this spot.
A suggestion: Remove begging scripts board and take a Moderator for forum not betatester just for managing forums since its quite spammy right now i had'nt opened this forum from months nor posted anything cause forum owned by retards and spamming everywhere


Will be good if new member staff will be also just active player (available in game), not only good scripter somewhere. Mostly what this mod need are active people, close to regular players.
VC:MP since 2012, LU-DM Team Owner, some other things also in the past.


Quote from: Piterus on Jun 07, 2018, 08:55 AMWill be good if new member staff will be also just active player (available in game), not only good scripter somewhere. Mostly what this mod need are active people, close to regular players.
I completly agree with ya.


I'm still talking with the other developers about next steps. In the meantime, we're getting our infrastructure back up.

The official update server is
The download server is

All old URLs from will work when using these domains instead.