vcmp 0.3 server make help please

Started by johnkimball, Jul 03, 2015, 12:13 PM

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hello friends , please help how to turn on !gotoloc and !goto player function when making a server for vcmp 0.3 and how to disable the ammunation signs on the map. and how to have !hide and !unhide player functions in version 0.3 in own server. plus the countdown Thx


VC:MP 0.3 is unsupported(this means, no one will give you help, devs doesn't fix any bug or make new features)  and masterlist is down and there are only 5-6 players left in 0.3, without talking about the bugs and crashes. Create a server in 0.4

Credits to Bart.


me and my friends still play it , just need help with how to set drive on water. i set the drive on water from false to true but i still sink when driving on sea. why it is not enabled?


0.3 is unsupported. You can try finding your answer on the old forums.
