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Messages - Honey

Support / Re: Cant Load Server in Vps
Jun 30, 2015, 11:54 AM
Found this on google in less than 5 seconds :

Quote from: WikipediaA segmentation fault occurs when a program attempts to access a memory location that it is not allowed to access, or attempts to access a memory location in a way that is not allowed (for example, attempting to write to a read-only location, or to overwrite part of the operating system).
How are we supposed to know an error which occurs on your computer? Learn some debugging skills do some experiments and come up with your findings and we'll be glad to help from our side.
Quote from: NE.CrystalBlue on Jun 26, 2015, 06:15 AM
Quote from: maxorator on Jun 25, 2015, 07:33 PM
  • Fixed setting invalid rotation to a vehicle crashing the game.
And i'm the one who did this (2 days ago)

use a timer to display an announcement while he's jailed
^ Ofc Storm stop accusing him it was his little brother.(hint)
Off-Topic General / Re: Scripting challenges!
Jun 15, 2015, 03:18 PM
You're damned. End Of discussion.
Support / Re: How to Add Props Sytem
Jun 14, 2015, 11:17 AM
^ The irony
alright then,

Basically removing that line didn't fix your problem. Let's suppose your master / sensei asks you to find a box named Load_ITC. You can't find it anywhere so you return to your master and say "I was not able to find this", This happened with your server and when it says index not found so it's something mistyped or missing,  So then Your Master said " Ok nevermind" and there you go, earned nothing. That happens when you remove the lines, Put those function in your functions.nut or wherever you want to and then try this so It can successfully load it. As for the warnings I can't understand what you mean, elaborate
Removing won't help you fix the problem. You need these functions for the system to work correctly.

function Load_ITC( path )
secondarydb <- ConnectSQL( path + "IpToCountry.db" );

function Unload_ITC()
    DisconnectSQL( secondarydb );

function IpToCountry(IP)
local result, query, IPsplit = split( IP, "." );
if ( !secondarydb ) return "Error on db connection";
if ( IP == "" ) return "Localhost";
if ( IPsplit.len() != 4 ) return "Invalid IP";
result = QuerySQL(secondarydb, "SELECT Country FROM countrydetected WHERE ((" + IPsplit[0].tointeger() + " * 16777216) + (" + IPsplit[1].tointeger() + " * 65536) + (" + IPsplit[2].tointeger() + " * 256) + " + IPsplit[3].tointeger() + ") BETWEEN Ip_From AND Ip_to LIMIT 1");
query = GetSQLColumnData( result, 0 );
if ( !query ) query = "Unknown";
FreeSQLQuery( result );
return query;
it looks like an index error, You're probably trying to use a function which doesn't exist.
Closed Bug Reports / Re: [Crash] 0xc000007b
May 21, 2015, 01:25 AM
It's weird because I have the crashlogs folder in my Directory :

Closed Bug Reports / Re: [Crash] 0xc000007b
May 18, 2015, 04:52 PM
Sorry for pointing out the obvious but have you tried reinstalling VCMP and VC? And make sure your vcmp is not installed in the same directory as your GTA:VC
tbh, My PC isn't even worth 100$ and I can easily use Win 8 ( never tried 8.1 ) but I think Win 8.1 should work fine too. Whenever I install something, All of the necessary drivers are pre-installed so I never have to go through that crap. Luckily, I use a PC and another extra device to catch WiFi so Both of them work without any problems for me. What I would suggest is, You can install HP Drivers ( the one that doesnt let you use WiFi )  if you're able to connect to internet on Wires through them then you can use them to connect to local internet and any external device to catch WiFi.
Support / Re: We want to return vcmp 0.3
May 12, 2015, 01:34 PM
Seriously, You recommend an Old, Pathetic gameplay over a new and more optimized game play just because the newer one has some "bags"?