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Messages - Honey

Snippet Showroom / Re: Team System
Oct 27, 2014, 03:52 PM
Well I'm back with a fixed team script.This script had many bugs to solve but now it works perfectly for me. FJose update your script with this or atleast take a good look at your's because you're forgetting to do something important in the team cmd.Your FindPlr wasn't working for me so I had to use FindPlayer and I also edit some other lines of code.This is the code :

else if ( cmd == "team" )
if ( !text ) MessagePlayer2( "Syntax: /team <player name or id>", player );
local plr = FindPlayer( GetTok( text, " ", 1 ) );
if ( !plr ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] Unknown player.", player );
else if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].Team == true ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] You already are in team.", player );
else if ( pinfo[ plr.ID ].Team == true ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] " + plr.Name + " is already in team.", player );
else if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].Request == true ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] You already have a request.", player );
else if ( pinfo[ plr.ID ].Request == true ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] " + plr.Name + " already have a request.", player );
if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest < time() ) {
pinfo[ player.ID ].Request = false; pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner = null;  pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Request = false; pinfo[ plr.ID ].Partner = null; pinfo[ plr.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;

MessagePlayer2( "" + player.Name + " would like to team up with you.", plr );
MessagePlayer2( "Request submitted.", player );
pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner = plr.Name;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Partner = player.Name;
pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest = time() + 30;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].TimeRequest = time() + 30;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Request = true;
pinfo[ player.ID ].Request = true
else if ( cmd == "accept" )
local plr = FindPlayer( pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner );
if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].Request == false ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] You don't have a request.", player );
else if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].Team == true ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] You already have a team-mate.", player );
if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest < time() ) {
MessagePlayer2( "[Error] Time ended.", player );
pinfo[ player.ID ].Request = false;
pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner = null;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Request = false;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Partner = null;
pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;
} else {

MessagePlayer2( "[!] " + player.Name + " is doing team with you.", player );
MessagePlayer2( "Request Accepted! You are now teaming with " + plr.Name, player );
pinfo[ player.ID ].Team = true;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Team = true;
pinfo[ player.ID ].Request = false;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Request = false;
pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;
player.Pos = plr.Pos;

else if ( cmd == "deny" )
local plr = FindPlayer( pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner );
if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].Request == false ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] You don't have a request.", player );
if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest < time() ) {
MessagePlayer2( "[Error] Time ended.", player );
pinfo[ player.ID ].Request = false;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Request = false;
pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner = null;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Partner = null;
pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;

MessagePlayer2( "[!] " + plr.Name + " denied your request.", player );
MessagePlayer2( "Request Denied.", player );
pinfo[ player.ID ].Request = false;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Request = false;
pinfo[ player.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].TimeRequest = 0;

else if ( cmd == "leave" )
local plr = FindPlayer( pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner );
if ( pinfo[ player.ID ].Team == false ) MessagePlayer2( "[Error] You don't have team.", player );
MessagePlayer2( "[!] " + player.Name + " left the team.", player );
MessagePlayer2( "[!] " + player.Name + " left the team.", pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner );
pinfo[ player.ID ].Team = false;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Team = false;
pinfo[ player.ID ].Partner = null;
pinfo[ plr.ID ].Partner = null;

Waiting for replies :)
Support / Re: Notepad++ syntax highlight
Oct 27, 2014, 10:52 AM
Good Attempt, Although i like to use D as a default highlighter.If you want to see D goto Language -> D -> D
Snippet Showroom / Re: Team System
Oct 27, 2014, 01:24 AM
That is not a specific line.Those are 2-3 lines.Let me try this code and I'll tell you if i face the same problem.
Snippet Showroom / Re: Team System
Oct 26, 2014, 04:25 PM
Are any specific lines ( like 70 or 18 ) mentioned?
Of course there is, you can use player.RelativeSpeed.

Example to increase Vehicle Acceleration : player.Vehicle.RelativeSpeed*0.5;
Example to Decrease Vehicle Acceleration : player.RelativeSpeed/0.5;
Example to Totally stop a vehicle acceleration : player.RelativeSpeed = 0;
player.AddSpeed does not add acceleration speed.It is some sort of speed which interferes with Vectors.Correct Usage is player.AddSpeed( Vector speed ).
That is a different matter, but the crash should still be fixed.
Well thats not a solution.The right solution is that the Developers must fix this issue in announce module.
Now i know some information about the vehicle angle but I have a new problem.When i try to change the direction of my vehicle through angles nothing happens and the vehicle spawns with its original angle )

local coord = ReadIniString( "Files/taxi.ini", "Position" + a, "Pos" + a );
local split1 = split( coord, " " );
local pos = Vector(split1[0].tofloat(), split1[1].tofloat(), 40.0000 );
plr.Vehicle.Angle.x = split1[3].tofloat()
plr.Vehicle.Angle.y = split1[4].tofloat()
plr.Vehicle.Angle.z = split1[5].tofloat()
plr.Vehicle.Angle.w = split1[6].tofloat()

plr.Vehicle.Pos = pos;
//plr.Vehicle.Pos = pos;

Part of my INI File( the first 3 are Vectors and others are quaternions )  :

pos0                           = -295.1447 -481.5813 10.7936 0.6787 -0.0023 -0.0049 0.7344

pos1                           = -295.1447 -481.5813 10.7936 0.6787 -0.0023 -0.0049 0.7344

pos2                           = -295.1447 -481.5813 10.7936 0.6787 -0.0023 -0.0049 0.7344

My internet was not available for a few days but I still wanted to work for the server.When I try to launch the server while the internet is not available it crashes.It doesn't happens everytime but it Does happen most of the time.Here's a Video : Remember to change the graphic mode to 720P before starting )

I was trying to make something similar to taxi server in VC but I'm having a weird problem.The Positions are stored properly and they should be loaded properly too but when i try to move a vehicle it starts to move up and down and behaves unexpectedly.

These are my positions :
I am going to add something fantastic to the server.EFE will be the first server to have it.

Hint : "Taxi!!, Take me to the North Point Mall"
I dont know of any module but there is a geo ip script which EFE uses as well.You can find the script at The unofficial SQ Forum.
Support / Re: x64bit Plugins Wierd Error
Oct 19, 2014, 03:25 PM
Since the picture isn't available I'll guess the error.Is it Wrong ELF Class Error?If yes than you're probably trying to use 64 bit modules on a 32 bit platform or vice versa.

Howdy Fellas,

I am proud to announce the release of EFE 2015 Beta#1 for 0.4.This server contains most of the features of the Previous EFE Version.Webstats and Livemap will be ready very soon.At the moment there are no clanstats but I will add that very soon.I am not going to provide the list of commands because I want you to go and see it yourself :).As for the custom maps there are no custom maps added yet but for testing purposes I've added a Bridge near Biker Bars.I hope to see you in my server.

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Server Developer : Honey

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