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Messages - UkRs

its only showing 5 servers now......

I changed ( or reinstalled ) my os to Debain 7 32 bit and voila! it worked so i guess that vcmpserver cant run in Centos ( may be of some problems  ) and guys thank you for the help......

P.S: @PlayerX, why do u use "xD" at the end of every sentence?

i tried a quick google tutorial of ugrading gcc version and still,,,,,,,
on 32 bit

on 64 bit
Quote from: S.L.C on Apr 20, 2015, 04:10 PMShow us the output of:
strings /usr/lib/ | grep GLIBC
in centos 64 bit

in centos 32 bit
i had a vps of centos 32 bit , i wanted to test my server on it but when i started it , it showed me this error

i thought that it was vps problem i google for the solution but i couldn't find so...

then i  got another vps of centos 64 bit (from another provider ), i also tried to load the server but it showed me same error....

so i think it's not my vps problem its a problem with server or maybe centos os can run my server i remember i used to run the server ( when it was 04pb400 ) on debain and it worked perfectly but after 2-3 months i tried to run rel001 or rel002 its bugged.......
Closed Bug Reports / announce04rel32 Error
Apr 20, 2015, 04:19 AM
I was trying To host my server in my home when i started the server it showed me this error

it shows up again and again after 4-5 minutes idk so announce04rel32 isn't compiled correctly? or its just that i can't host my server in my home? its the latest plugin i downloaded!
first of all its Vote not vot -_- and second i vote yes too cuz its useful :)
Support / Re: Nobody can join me
Dec 25, 2014, 05:52 AM
Just buy vrocker hosting and TADA!!!!!! ur server is official now...
i guess no one will answer that not even devs
General Discussion / Space Between Names..
Dec 12, 2014, 03:38 PM
Well I Have Seen That a guy Yuri Used space in his nick "A TERRORIST !!!" and then i saw Gudio once in LW with space in his name "[ D n A ] G u D i o" so...

how to add space b/w ur nick and is it still possible in 0.4 cuz yuri and gudio used this trick in 0.3
General Discussion / Re: Release ?
Nov 28, 2014, 01:46 PM
vc-mp 0.4 last version is released i guess now it will just update
Support / Re: Notepad++ syntax highlight
Oct 27, 2014, 10:20 AM
cool :D
i never got this message or error so firewall likes me :/
Snippet Showroom / Re: Hotkeys system :)
Oct 19, 2014, 05:20 AM
nice but for newbies u could have used MessagePlayer instead of nitro which will really confuse newbies like
function onKeyDown(player,key)
if ( key == I )
 { MessagePlayer("Wow U Pressed I BUTTON and IT WORKED :D",player);}
else if ( key == H ) {
 MessagePlayer("wow its still working if u press H :D",player);
hope u understand :D and for nitro post it in another release..