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Messages - Gito Baloch

Quote from: MEGAMIND on Oct 26, 2021, 06:32 PMPersonally i would suggest to let that server free, as they are totally right by there side, yes hackers are everywhere and u cant totaly stop them! Though idk when will be the devs be back to make some stuff secure(probably), but yea let that server free as its not there fault.. well i aint with hackers nor with the servers devs but as the topic was interesting and had some points, this server should be free instead of being banned
Waqt Sabka Badalta Hai | Story Video | Part 2 is out go and watch bros and sisters!
Quote from: Mohamed Boubekri on Oct 10, 2021, 12:35 PMGreat video brother @Gito Baloch
Just i want to ask you about something
I have the original game with radio i mean full version, how i can get the mod of blood like you ?
Thanks brother, Which blood mod i didn't understand.
Script Showroom / Re: Set Grapics Command!
Oct 04, 2021, 05:13 PM
Kahan se copy ki?
Guess The District Name -

Brothers and Sisters, Please do like and share. 8)
what the fuck lmao
function onPlayerPM( player, playerTo, message )
Message(player.Name+" -> "+playerTo.Name+" : "+message);
return 1;
Wow superb job!
Content Type: Skin
Original Author: MR SK.
Source Link: -
Modifications: Just created the XML file.
Modified By: GitoBaloch
Authorized By Original Author?: Noe.


Download Link:

Skin Showroom / Alan Walker Skin
Jul 26, 2021, 05:34 PM
Content Type: Skin
Original Author: MR SK.
Source Link:
Modifications: Just created the XML file.
Modified By: GitoBaloch
Authorized By Original Author?: Noe.
Download Link:
Skin Showroom / HD Tommy Vercetti - 3 skins.
Jul 26, 2021, 08:34 AM
Content Type: Skin
Original Author: lunchxbles, mrx16, ElChango.
Source Link:
Modifications: Just created the XML files.
Modified By: GitoBaloch
Authorized By Original Author?: Noe.
Download Link:


Class PlayerStats{
nogoto = false;

function onScriptLoad() {
nogoto <- ConnectSQL("Nogoto.db");
QuerySQL(nogoto, "create table if not exists nogoto ( Name Text ,nogoto TEXT) ");

Database Close
function onScriptUnload() {

function Nogoto(player)
    local q = QuerySQL(nogoto, "SELECT * FROM nogoto WHERE Name = '" + escapeSQLString(player.Name) + "'");
    if (q)
        stats[ player.ID ].nogoto = GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 );
    else QuerySQL( nogoto, "INSERT INTO nogoto ( Name, nogoto ) VALUES ( '" + escapeSQLString(player.Name) + "', ' false ' )" );

function Nogotodb(player)
    QuerySQL( nogoto, "UPDATE nogoto SET nogoto='"+ stats[ player.ID ].nogoto +"' WHERE Name = '"+player.Name+"'");

function onPlayerJoin(player){

function onPlayerPart(player); {

function onPlayerCommand(player, cmd, text){
else if(cmd == "nogoto")
if(!text) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]/" + cmd + " <on/off>", player);
if(text == "on" || text == "1" || text == "set" || text == "true")
                local q = QuerySQL(nogoto, "SELECT * FROM nogoto WHERE Name = '" + player.Name + "'");
            if (stats[player.ID].nogoto == true) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Nogoto is already on!",player);
            else if( q && GetSQLColumnData(q, 1) == "true" ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Nogoto is already on!",player);
else {
stats[player.ID].nogoto = true;
MessagePlayer("[#ffa447]Nogoto has been turned on, Now no one will be able to teleport to you.",player);
QuerySQL( nogoto, "UPDATE nogoto SET nogoto='"+ stats[ player.ID ].nogoto +"' WHERE Name = '"+player.Name+"'");
if(text == "off" || text == "0" || text == "del" || text == "false")
            if (stats[player.ID].nogoto == false) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Nogoto is already off!",player);
else {
stats[player.ID].nogoto = false;
MessagePlayer("[#ffa447]Nogoto has been turned off, Everyone will be able to teleport to you.",player);
     QuerySQL( nogoto, "UPDATE nogoto SET nogoto='"+ stats[ player.ID ].nogoto +"' WHERE Name = '"+player.Name+"'");
return 0;

Goto Line
Put this on goto command
        local q = QuerySQL(nogoto, "SELECT * FROM nogoto WHERE Name = '" + plr.Name + "'");
    if( q && GetSQLColumnData(q, 1) == "true" ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Target player has his nogoto enabled!",player);
        else if (stats[plr.ID].nogoto == true) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Target player has his nogoto enabled!",player);

Script Showroom / Re: Simple ban system
Jul 11, 2021, 06:45 AM
Have a look at this: ---> " "
Script Showroom / ( Simple ) Admin System.
Jul 11, 2021, 06:26 AM
----------///---LEVEL SYSTEM---\\\----------

Player Class
class PlayerClass
    Level = 0;

Creating Database
Admin <- ConnectSQL("Level.db");
QuerySQL(Admin, "create table if not exists Level ( Name Text ,Level NUMERIC DEFAULT 0) ");

function AdminInfo(player)
    local q = QuerySQL(Admin, "SELECT * FROM Level WHERE Name = '" + escapeSQLString(player.Name) + "'");
    if (q)
        stats[ player.ID ].Level = GetSQLColumnData(q, 1);
    else QuerySQL( Admin, "INSERT INTO Level ( Name, Level ) VALUES ( '" + escapeSQLString(player.Name) + "', ' 0 ' )" );

function SaveAdmin(player)
    QuerySQL( Admin, "UPDATE Level SET Level='"+ stats[ player.ID ].Level +"' WHERE Name = '"+player.Name+"'");

OnPlayer Join

OnPlayer Part
Set Level Command
   else if ( ( cmd == "setlevel" ) || ( cmd == "setlvl" ) )
if ( stats[ player.ID ].Level < 5 ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]You don't have permission to use this command.",player);
else if ( !text ) PrivMessage( player, format( "Error: Use /%s <player> <Level>", cmd ) );
local txt = split( text, " " );
if ( txt.len() >= 2 )
local plr = FindPlayer( txt[ 0 ] ), lvl = txt[ 1 ];
if ( !plr ) PrivMessage( player, "Error: Unknown player." );
else if ( !IsNum( lvl ) ) ClientMessage( player, "Error: Level must be in numbers...",player, 255, 0, 0 );
else if ( ( lvl.tointeger() < 1 ) || ( lvl.tointeger() > 7 ) ) ClientMessage( "ERROR: Allowed Level amount are between 1 and 7.", player, 255, 0, 0 );
else if ( stats[ plr.ID ].Level == lvl.tointeger() ) PrivMessage( player, format( "Error: %s's Level is %d already.", plr.Name, lvl.tointeger() ) );
stats[ plr.ID ].Level = lvl.tointeger();
Message( "[#ffffff]"+player.Name+" [#25AAAA]changed the level of[#ffffff] "+plr.Name+"[#25AAAA] to [#ffffff]["+lvl.tointeger()+"].");
else PrivMessage( player, format( "Error: Usage /%s <player> <Level>", cmd ) );
return 0;

Example command
else if ( cmd=="assrocket")
if(stats[player.ID].Level < 2) return MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]You don't have permission to use this command.",player);
if (!text) MessagePlayer("[#51FF06]Usage :[#FFFFFF] /assrocket <Name/ID>",player);
local plr = FindPlayer(text);
plr.Pos = player.Pos;
Message("[#ffffff]"+player.Name+ "[#25AAAA] has bombed [#ffffff]" +plr.Name);
CreateExplosion( 1, 1,plr.Pos.x -3 , plr.Pos.y -5, plr.Pos.z, -1, true );
CreateExplosion( 1, 2,plr.Pos.x -3, plr.Pos.y -5, plr.Pos.z, -1, true );
CreateExplosion( 1, 3,plr.Pos.x -3, plr.Pos.y -5, plr.Pos.z, -1, true );
CreateExplosion( 1, 4,plr.Pos.x -3 , plr.Pos.y -5, plr.Pos.z, -1, true );
return 0;
Script Showroom / Re: Reward System
Jul 11, 2021, 06:09 AM
Quote from: Jutt on Jul 04, 2021, 08:35 PMbro give me reward system without level system plz

Without Level/Admin Systemelse if( cmd == "reward" )
if ( text ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: "/reward <plr> <ammount>"", player);
local plr = GetPlayer( GetTok( text, " ", 1 ) ), cash = GetTok( text, " ", 2 );
cash = ammount.tointeger();
if ( !plr ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: Unknown player.", player);
if( !IsNum( cash ) ) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000]Error: Money Must Be Integer.", player );
Message( "[#ffffff]"+ player.Name + "[#ff0000] has rewarded [#ffffffff]"+plr.Name+"[#ff0000] With Ammount[#ffffff] "+cash+".");

With Level/Admin Systemelse if( cmd == "reward" )
if (stats[player.ID].Level < 2 ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: Access Denied.",player);
else if ( text ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: "/reward <plr> <ammount>"", player);
local plr = GetPlayer( GetTok( text, " ", 1 ) ), cash = GetTok( text, " ", 2 );
cash = ammount.tointeger();
if ( !plr ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: Unknown player.", player);
if( !IsNum( cash ) ) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000]Error: Money Must Be Integer.", player );
Message( "[#ffffff]"+ player.Name + "[#ff0000] has rewarded [#ffffffff]"+plr.Name+"[#ff0000] With Ammount[#ffffff] "+cash+".");
"Waqt Sabka Badalta Hai" - New funny  ;D and Motivational  :thumbsup: story video is out.

Watch till the end.

It's in urdu.

Hamny milkay fun and shugal k lye video bnai hay aur mei jnta hu boht mistakes hyn kahani mn bh dam ni hoga but fir bh besti mt krna xd :'c