Server not showing on masterlist

Started by DizzasTeR, Apr 27, 2015, 01:59 PM

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Without much stupid things.

OS: Debian 7 32bit

Got latest announce plugins for 32bit ( and also socket idk if its needed to tell or whatever ).

Server is on, just doesn't show on masterlist, no error on console nothing, all plugins loaded. Adding IP works, but doesn't show up in masterlist.


Try capturing a masterlist packet with destination and post it.


Okay after alot of head banging, I figured out that the announce plugin started to fail at loading. I tried all the announce plugins available on this forum provided by updates, tried even the first ever released plugin, tried the one which Gudio posted somewhere, tried the one posted by Marius which worked for HotDogCar but all of these fail to load for me.


I just slowly, peacefully downloaded all the plugins again, updated them to the as far latest as  I could, and now it works.


again not showing on masterlist WTF , please help VCMP Staff


Since it was working but now it again started to fail loading the announce plugin, I've tried all the announce plugins for linux 32bit available to download but none of them helped me.

I don't know what to call this a bug or whatever but I just fixed it by replacing announce plugin with another plugin in server.cfg.

To know what I mean, It wasn't working when plugins line was like:

plugins p1 p2 p3 p4 announce #Won't work
but it works if I do it like:

plugins p1 p2 announce p3 p4 #Works
Well duh.