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Messages - Mohamed Boubekri

Thank you.
Quote from: Mohamed Boubekri on Aug 11, 2023, 04:11 PM
Quote from: habi on Aug 11, 2023, 03:39 PMI will help but do not have computer atm. Let me reach home

PS: Did tou tried SetCinematicBorder(true) ?
Hey, thank you for your reply, no i didn't try that & i don't think its represent the problem.
Xmair told me that i need to make my own class system to skip THE MESSAGE.
I have seen DizzasTeR Class system but i hadn't understand somethings like that:-
Quote from: Mohamed Boubekri on Jul 15, 2023, 07:35 PMHey everyone, i have seen the post of @DizzasTeR:
but he told us something that i dosen't understand it
"You can place this code inside a spawnselector.nut file and just load it from sqmod.ini as Compile"
I hadn't understand how i can load .nut file from sqmod.ini as compile.
I hadn't understand how i can load .nut file from sqmod.ini as compile.

How i can load .nut file from sqmod.ini as compile ?
Hey everyone, i want to make a system, which will prevent car from moving when no one is driving it.
function onVehicleMove( vehicle, lastX, lastY, lastZ, newX, newY, newZ )
if (newX && newY && newZ && !player.Vehicle)
vehicle.Pos.x = lastX, vehicle.Pos.y = lastY, vehicle.Pos.z = lastZ;
else return;
The problem is, that function 'onVehicleMove' does not contain 'player', so how i can detect the player ?
I get error here
if (newX && newY && newZ && !player.Vehicle)  player dosen't defined.
Hey @Peppo, thanks for telling me, now links are fixed.
About dynamic things, can you clarify more ?
The project has been improved 'lag', now is more slight, and some minor errors have been corrected.
Character area also updated. Added create character 'png' instead of button.
Community Plugins / Re: Plugin development
Sep 05, 2023, 07:08 AM
Perfect, this tutorial will be very usefull !
You need to explain more about your problem, and show us your onplayerdeath & onplayerpart functions.
Hey @Nihongo^, you can specify an array or a status, which will vary depending on the number of presses.
Here is an example: (untested)
J <- BindKey(true, 0x4A, 0, 0);
class TESTO
    press = 1;
function onScriptLoad()
status <- array ( GetMaxPlayers(), null );
function onPlayerJoin( player )
status[player.ID] = TESTO();
function onKeyDown( player, key )
if( key == J ) // jump or boost key
if ( status[player.ID].press < 5 )
if (!player.Vehicle) return;
status[ player.ID ].press += 1;
local vPos  = player.Vehicle.Pos;
vPos.z = vPos.z * 1.5;
MessagePlayer("You can't use jump button above 4 times, please wait 5 seconds !",player); //after 5 seconds, player will be able to use that key again
gta <- NewTimer("reset",5000,1,player.ID);
function reset(p)
p = FindPlayer(p);
status[p.ID].press = 1;
Create it by yourself, i already give you an idea.

Quote from: Mohamed Boubekri on Aug 19, 2023, 05:49 PM-Try to detect if player is on spectating mode, i mean like a status, then add that line:
Example: if ( status[player.ID].Spec == true ) return player.SpectateTarget = false;
And again try to define the target: player.SpectateTarget = target;

-Also you can hold the target in array, then try to refresh the spectate system after player world changed.
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Aug 19, 2023, 05:51 PMOne of my friend help me with this but it gives error by saying "world doesn't exists"
This error appears, if the defined player doesen't exist.
Add this:
if (!target) return;before that line:
if(target.World == 1) return true;
-Try to detect if player is on spectating mode, i mean like a status, then add that line:
Example: if ( status[player.ID].Spec == true ) return player.SpectateTarget = false;
And again try to define the target: player.SpectateTarget = target;

-Also you can hold the target in array, then try to refresh the spectate system after player world changed.
Okey, thank you for your reply.
Hey everyone, i'm wondering if i can freeze the mouse instead of hiding it ? GUI.SetMouseEnabled(false);
Because, if we don't freeze it, the player can show the mouse again by clicking Alt Gr. Then the player can
cause errors in the console, for example if he click a button again & again.
I had doubts about this. Most importantly, thank you for the clarification.
Hey everyone, i get the following error in the console when i shutdown my server CTRL + C
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups]

*FUNCTION [onScriptUnload()] scripts/server-side.nut line [30]

[this] TABLE
[WARNING] onScriptUnload failed to execute -- check the console for more details.
That line which represent line [30]
DisconnectSQL( db );Actually i think that i need to make database free after i use it, by using FreeSQLQuery
local p = QuerySQL(db, INSERT......); FreeSQLQuery(p); Is that right ? if not then which is responsable for that error ?
unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups