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ik that function doesnt exits  PutPlayerToVeh but it ws in like pawno 0.3 vcmp

so as the topic makes it familiar, how do u put a player directly to a vehicle
like my question is like if a take a pickup or soething or even do a cmd
so how will be a player directly siting in a vehicle?

example : /bike ---> // so the player sits in a bike or u can say that the player is put in to the bike directly

so any example or snippets on this question

hi everyone i have asked this question almost idk many time probably

my question wass how do i set distance for these 3d labels like samp when u reach it near it displays otherwise when u move away it stops displaying

but how do i we set that distance thing to it, anyone pls

as the topis says how can i load up a custm font

and this in store/scripts/main.nut

Label.FontName = "pricedown.ttf";
am i doing it wrong??
ok hello comunity, first of all whats that called

secondly how is it made?

is it an object from within the game and then modified or something else, i use to play samp they have it there but this in a vcmp server i found it quite interesting best of luch to that server owner... so how do we make this?
Vehicle Showroom / Cuban Exhaust
Jul 25, 2018, 08:02 AM
I made this XML bcz someone asked it here

Content Type: Vehicle
Original Author: UGURBURAK
Source Link: link to car [xml is mine!]
Modifications:: just Created XML Files
Modified By: MEGAMIND
Authorized By Original Author?: (Couldn't get in touch with him!)
Content Screenshots: ...


so its virus free Virustotal

Note:- if u do need that kind of exhaust in this post u will have to modify ur particle.txd
Support / onObjectBump
Jul 25, 2018, 07:28 AM
umm this doesnt work
fobject <- CreateObject(353, 1, -1709.27, -268.655, 14.8683,255);
fobject.TrackingBumps = true;

function onObjectBump( object, player )
MessagePlayer("You've bumped in to object id: "+object,player);
I found many according to this question

1.Custom radio staions?
2.Host for gta radios

so here i am with a little knowledge about this stuff, which may or maynot be helpfull for few

ok so without any further discussion here u go

first make  a new folder and rename it as radio (or whatever) now major part is this u would have to make a file named as listen.pls here the listen.pls will contain ur streaming files ok so lets built a listen.pls as i said before creat a filenamed as listen.pls (using note pad.txt rename it as listen.pls) now edit it/ open it and do this kindly donot modify until u have the complete knowledge of these stuff for ur own custom radio station (where u would like to upload ur own songs which will loop out)

the url below are hosted so u can put ur own url instead of mine

so to actually make it run u have to do this [playlist] -> which will tell the host and file that these are the below shits which are required to run
file 1: -> is the path of ur radio
title 1:- the titlle of ur radio to  broadcast
lenght1=-1 // eh idk much about it but it was said to be -1 default in an article
numberofenteries // define that how much files have u addded to it 2 3 or 1
version: // leave it as default 2

Title1=WEBNET RADIO English #1

Title2=WEBNET RADIO English #2


ok now for the real stations we do this

Title1=WEBNET RADIO Hollywood #1

Title2=WEBNET RADIO Hollywood #2


now make a newfolder in the same directory and rename it as stream, within the stream obviously many of u have ur own taste of songs so make subfoldders like h for hollywood songs, b for bollywood ,gta for gta radios etc etc and then add ur songs.mp3 to those folders now all u  need is an html hosting service which is netlify ofc one of the best ik yet or u can start ur own host if u have a vps

still having issues discord me MEGAMIND#8033 or u can find me on vcmp discord channel too

if u wanna know what does tunein-station.pls is so its simple its a radio station url forwarded by a company to an ip
which livecasts and then other teams comeup on same ip to livecast or braodcast there show and it continues....

so what do they have inside tunein-station.pls? they ahve something like this

Title1=(#1 - 30/250) AMW HIPHOP | Amsterdams Most Wanted UNDERGROUND HIPHOP | HD stream

now where to host ir i already told u that either use locahost xampp software and portforward it

or use other hosting sites there are many free sites available out there especaily html based
Support / readinistring
Jul 21, 2018, 06:18 PM
actually im new to ini and using this first time so how do i read ini

my WriteIniString is
WriteIniString("objects.ini","autosaved",i.tostring(), "CreateObject("+o.Model+","+o.World+",Vector"+o.Pos+","+o.Alpha+").RotateToEuler(Vector"+o.RotationEuler+",1);"); }

and my output to that is

0                           = CreateObject(636,17,Vector(-1399.7, -650.131, 15.8679),255).RotateToEuler(Vector(3.0996, 3.0871, -1.26476),1);

how would i be able t read it

so far i have tried this but it wont work
if (ReadIniString( "objects.ini", "objects", i.tostring() )==null);
         print("objects reloaded");
Support / lock a world
Jul 19, 2018, 08:45 AM
as the topic says can we lock a specific wolr and then open it our selves too?
Support /
Jul 18, 2018, 06:14 PM
does anyone know that how can we make a cmd in which if a player does /goto world of his own choice like

/world 15 upto so on

if anyone know how to do it, ill be gratefull
Support / ini object n lag!
Jul 18, 2018, 03:28 PM
hello everyone i have an issue, well it works fine i can save load objects but the problem is it lags as hell

well heres the code

autosave <- NewTimer("SaveObjects",10000,0);

and in functions

function LoadAllObjects()
{ local i = 0;
    local str = ReadIniString( "objects.ini", "objects", i.tostring() );
    if(!str) break;
      local a = compilestring(str);

  for(local a=0;a<GetObjectCount();a++)
      FindObject(a).TrackingShots = true;

function SaveObjects()
{ local n = GetObjectCount();
  for(local i=0;i<n;i++)
    local o = FindObject(i);
    if(o) {
    WriteIniString("objects.ini","autosaved",i.tostring(), "CreateObject("+o.Model+","+o.World+",Vector"+o.Pos+","+o.Alpha+").RotateToEuler(Vector"+o.RotationEuler+",1);"); }

function LoadAutoSaved()
  local i = 0;
      local str = ReadIniString( "objects.ini", "autosaved", i.tostring() );
      if(!str) break;
        local a = compilestring(str);

    for(local a=0;a<GetObjectCount();a++)
        FindObject(a).TrackingShots = true;
it lags alot when a second player either joins or not while creating object it lags too

so is there a better way to do it
Support / weapons are not readable
Jul 15, 2018, 12:18 PM
i just made the poly the rest of it is XMAIRS wep system probably idk

so what the problem, its not reading some of the weps name

else if ( cmd == "wep" )
 if (!text) MessagePlayer("/wep <Wep Name>", player);
 local Pos = player.Pos, checkpoly;
 checkpoly = InPoly( Pos.x, Pos.y, -682.612488, 1201.854736,  -682.759827, 1208.136597, -666.613953, 1211.414185,  -666.614258, 1202.456909);
 local wep = GetWeaponName(GetWeaponID(text));
 if( checkpoly == false ) MessagePlayer("You need to be at the ammunation shop in Downtown to buy weapons!", player);
 else if (wep == "M60")
 if ( player.Cash <= 49999) MessagePlayer("You need to have atleast 50000$!", player);
 MessagePlayer("Successfully Received An [#ffffff]"+wep+"", player);
 else if (wep == "M4")
 if ( player.Cash <= 49999) MessagePlayer("You need to have atleast 50000$!", player);
 MessagePlayer("Successfully Received An [#ffffff]"+wep+"", player);
 else if ((wep == "Ruger")||(wep == "ruger"))
 if ( player.Cash <= 49999) MessagePlayer("You need to have atleast 50000$!", player);
 MessagePlayer("Successfully Received An [#ffffff]"+wep+"", player);
 else if (wep == "MP5")
 if ( player.Cash <= 49999) MessagePlayer("You need to have atleast 50000$!", player);
 MessagePlayer("Successfully Received An [#ffffff]"+wep+"", player);
 else if ((wep == "UZI")||(wep == "uzi"))
 if ( player.Cash <= 49999) MessagePlayer("You need to have atleast 50000$!", player);
 MessagePlayer("Successfully Received An [#ffffff]"+wep+"", player);
 else MessagePlayer("Sorry we don't have that type of model of the weapon "+text+" here.", player);

so i have checked it so far its not reading the wep uzi i also added a wep flamethrower but didnt read the too

any help would be appreciable
Support / Connect lw ( all server )
Jul 12, 2018, 11:51 AM
any respnse to this error in near future? , facing this issue since update rel04 uptil rel06
Off-Topic General / php signature
Jul 11, 2018, 07:12 AM
sup everyone how can we create a signature like thijns code
i have tried this but gives me errors when i solve thos errors then the image displays but with no text or kills etc..

$username "root";
$password "root1";
$db "vcmpdb";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername$username$password$db);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
"Connection failed: " $conn->connect_error);
//echo "connection successfull";

//$acc = "SELECT Name, IP, Level, Kills, Deaths, Cash, Bank, Joins, nogoto, WonLms, RandSpawn FROM Account";

if ( isset( $_REQUEST['nick'] ) )
$im  imagecreatefrompng("Signature_Background.png") or die("Cannot Create new GD image");
$stats  imagecolorallocate($im255208240);
$nick  imagecolorallocate($im25543178);
$font imageloadfont"Font.gdf" );
$sql  'SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Name = \''.addslashes$_REQUEST['nick'] ).'\'';

header('Content-Type: image/png');

foreach ($db->query($sql) as $row)
imagestring($im$font10037$_REQUEST['nick'], $nick) or die("Cannot place Text");
imagestring($im$font38010$row['Kills'], $stats) or die("Cannot place Text");
imagestring($im$font38035$row['Deaths'], $stats) or die("Cannot place Text");
imagestring($im$font38060, ( ( ( $row$row['Kills'] ] > ) && ( $row$Fields['Deaths'] ] > ) ) ? round($row$Fields['Kills'] ] / $row$Fields['Deaths'] ],2) : ), $stats ) or die("Cannot place Text");

if someone wants to check the url so try here which is the output  @EK.IceFlake   @Doom_Kill3R and heres the input query
Support / Coonect php to server DB
Jul 08, 2018, 07:32 AM
like the topic says is there anyway to connect through web to server db?
Off-Topic General / fill in spaces
Jul 04, 2018, 05:41 PM
im facing an issue kindly help plz

system("start C:\\Users\\%username%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup");
it says invalid path , which i guess it fails to open this path so how can i fill in blank spaces? like the one here

\\Start Menu\\
General Discussion / wep shoot disable
Jul 04, 2018, 12:51 PM
how can we disable weps in a world

ive tried this so far

else if ( cmd == "drift" )
 MessagePlayer( "*** Teleported To Drifting Arena..If You Want To Exit Type /leave ", player );
  player.IsWeaponSyncBlocked = false;
//also tried this           player.CanAttack = false;
  player.World = 9;

but none of them works i can still fire or attach in that world
General Discussion / how will ya
Jul 04, 2018, 12:01 PM
hey everyone how can we do a function that if a player join and he has an .asi file or any other external stuff running behind him
so how we will be able to kick him right when he joins?
General Discussion / Sky-city ?
Jun 30, 2018, 11:47 AM
is sky city really coming up (dream server ) :)
General Discussion / IRC admin
Jun 29, 2018, 03:22 PM
its been a long time or probably few years i havent touched irc so can i get some hints again that how would i make my self admin in irc

like if i say .hi so the text would display as [admin] username : sup ppl