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else if ( cmd == "drift" )
MessagePlayer( "*** Teleported To Drifting Arena..If You Want To Exit Type /leave ", player );
player.IsWeaponSyncBlocked = false;
//also tried this player.CanAttack = false;
player.World = 9;
along with "VICE CITY MULTIPLAYER (GTA: vice city)"sW <- GUI.GetScreenSize().X;
sH <- GUI.GetScreenSize().Y;
window = null
function Script::ScriptLoad()
downbar.window = GUIWindow(VectorScreen(0,777), VectorScreen(1400, 50), Colour(20, 20, 20, 400), "",GUI_FLAG_TEXT_TAGS);
how and where to add sH to a vector and sWsW <- GUI.GetScreenSize().X;
sH <- GUI.GetScreenSize().Y;
if( cmd == "wepall" )
if ( IsNoob( player, cmd ) ) return 0;
for( local i=0; i <= GetMaxPlayers(); i++ )
local plr = FindPlayer( i );
if( !text ) return MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000]/wepall <wep 1> <wep 2> <...>", player );
local params = split( text, " " ); // Take out the space array
local weapons; // Create a new null variable which will be holding the list of weapons player took.
for( local i = 0; i <= params.len() - 1; i++ ) // since the 'len' returns value from 1 and array's starting value point is 0, we will use len() - 1 otherwise we'll receive an error.
if( !IsNum( params[i] ) && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) > 0 && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) <= 32 ) // if Name was specified.
player.SetWeapon( GetWeaponID( params[i] ), 99999 ); // Get the weapon ID from its Name
weapons = weapons + ", " + GetWeaponName( GetWeaponID( params[i] ) ); // Add the weapon name to given weapon list
else if( IsNum( params[i] ) && params[i].tointeger() < 33 && params[i].tointeger() > 0 ) // if ID was specified
player.SetWeapon( params[i].tointeger(), 99999 ); // Then just give player that weapon
weapons = weapons + ", " + GetWeaponName( params[i].tointeger() ); // Get the weapon name from the ID and add it.
else MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000]Invalid Weapon Name/ID!", player ); // if the invalid ID/Name was given
if( weapons != null ) MessagePlayer( "[#00FF00]Received weapons: [#FFFFFF]" + weapons );
else MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000]No weapons specified", player );
function Server::ServerData(stream)
//local id = stream.ReadInt();
//if(300 == id){
// ::crash_player();
// return;
// }
local StreamReadInt = stream.ReadInt(), StreamReadString = stream.ReadString();
switch (StreamReadInt.tointeger())
case 1:
case 2:
Account.ErrorLabel.Text = StreamReadString;
case 3:
case 4:
compilestring( StreamReadString )();
catch(e) Console.Print(e);
and another thing to as function Server::ServerData(stream)
local type = stream.ReadString();
local id = stream.ReadInt();
if(type == "NO_FIREFIGHTER")
::fire_wnd = null;
::button1 = null;
::button2 = null;
if(type == "firefighter")
::fire_wnd = GUIWindow(VectorScreen(sX / 4, sY / 4),VectorScreen(sX / 3, sY / 4),Colour(255,255,255),"You want to sign in the fireman job?")
::button1 = GUIButton(VectorScreen(50,50),VectorScreen(100,50),Colour(0,255,0),"Yes");
::button2 = GUIButton(VectorScreen(250,50),VectorScreen(100,50),Colour(255,0,0),"No");
but they donot work with each other is there any global thing to read there both local StreamReadInt = stream.ReadInt(), StreamReadString = stream.ReadString();
& local type = stream.ReadString();
local id = stream.ReadInt();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<!-- below r the extra flags of tank which can fire-->
so can we add other flags too like <extraflags>40</extraflags>
<extraflags>2000</extraflags> // flags of taxi jump
i also tried combining them like this<extraflags>20040</extraflags>
but they donot work only one of em will work like if value 200 is added first before 40 so taxi boost jump will work, if 40 is added before 200 so tank cannon will work , os is there any other possible way to load both flags together<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<name>Super Police</name>
[/noae] bcz i founded it here