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Messages - Sebastian

General Discussion / Re: vehicle question xml
Nov 18, 2022, 04:11 PM
Yes,  you must make it be part of the chassis_hi in order to be available all the time.
VCMP cannot handle the extra parts of vehicles,  so there is no way you can enable/disable extras.

Also,  via SetParts you can just set parts like windscreen, bonnet,  doors,  etc
Oh,  I see.  Cool!  Thanks!
We should bring this topic on discord
This is cool!
A nice add-on!

Ps: Is it possible to have a function,  server-side,  which updates a npc's angle?
I remember it existed in the first version of the plugin
Quote from: habi on Oct 22, 2022, 05:12 PMHow is everybody doing..

Much part of the action is on Discord. Join there and you will meet all of us! :D
Welcome back!
I'm a bit in a rush, but here is a list of functions you can use in vcmp:
Search for "sound" and you will see the related ones.

So, you can use such a function in an event like onPlayerJoin, or onPlayerRequestClass (for when switching skins).

You can try the Blank Script to start from:

Wish you good luck!
If you manage to do it, just let us know.
Otherwise, ask your questions/where you have troubles, and maybe more will join the topic.
I've finally downloaded the files. To save some of struggles, here is a mirror of the store:

I tested the server, and liked a lot that you found a good way to use both VC and LC maps in the same time, with custom radar and etc.
If I were you, I would have used water texture with no alpha, for gta3's map. :D

I've seen some interventions of NPCs around map, simulating the traffic, which was kinda cool: cop cars, civil cars, aircraft
And I can see the effort in everything around, especially on the GUI which I cannot really interact with, since I don't know chinese, haha.
(I don't think english will ever be added to the server, since english players will never stay long enough to make a difference because they cannot actually interact with the chinese GUI)

Great job, guys!

PS: Am I wrong, or there is some sort of Translator too? by pressing [Y] key, and shift (for green arrow)
Sounds interesting. Will give it a try.
The use of NPCs makes me more curious, because I see around ~40 npcs joined. Hoping for a real traffic system simulation like in singleplayer, haha.
Quote from: Kenneth Law on Aug 30, 2022, 07:10 AMWhat do you mean by files and story? Does story mean store and files mean the unp.7z which I packed up for maps?

by files I mean .xml, .png, .mp3, _unp.7z, .nut etc. + directories like "maps" "objects" "sounds" etc.
Idk if related, but you can try to see if you have more than 255 files in your story.
(right click on the story directory and check that)

If it is more than 255, then try to "remove" (backup) some, until you get under 255, and try to enter the server again.
Quote from: Kenneth Law on Aug 26, 2022, 03:49 AMSeby, do you know what flags value refers to?

They affect the behavior of an object, when put under certain conditions like.
Here is a list, and their meaning:

In VC's files, flags are declared in the .ide file.
In Map Editor MEd, flags are known as "parameters".

Just make sure you follow the wiki values, as they are per game. I'm not sure about MEd, but it may share the same with all 3 games (gta3, vc, sa), so you may check the "Breakable Window 1" and get a value, which will actually apply the "Breakable Window 2" flag

PS: Just in case you didn't know, you can also edit the physics of an object.
So you can turn a custom object into a beach ball like, for e.g.
Community Plugins / Re: Discord Plugin
Aug 16, 2022, 09:10 AM
Damn, was really wondering what happened to my server...
Note: Seems to happen when game is loaded in FULL SCREEN mode. (not windowed)


Here are my conclusions, after some more testing.

Vice City's Menu opening speed will start decreasing when there are >20 labels onscreen/hidden, with:
  • FontFlags (no matter which ones)
  • FontSize different than 11 (default)

Here is a code to test on:
function test() {
arr <- array(100);
for (local i = 0; i < arr.len(); i++) {
arr[i] = GUILabel( VectorScreen( 300, 300 ), Colour( 255,255,255 ), "FontSize changing + ESC to MENU speed!" );
arr[i].FontFlags = GUI_FFLAG_OUTLINE;
arr[i].FontSize = 11;
Console.Print( "created label no " + i );

Test it. Works fine right? 100 labels.
Now change .FontSize value to anything else than 11, and try to enter the VC Menu.
Now remove the .FontFlags, and enter the VC Menu again.
Fast, hm ? :p
  • Fixed 'onObjectShot' for explosions being called for everyone.

Always wondered what's going on with the explosions; didn't know it was actually a thing

  • Hopefully fixed a few issues with the Steam version
I remember there was a crash for steam users, when a molotov explosion would be created through script.
Will try to reach that guy and test again!
  • New splash screen (credits to Spiller, thanks!)

Good job, @Spiller !