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Messages - Sebastian

When devs implemented GUI., textdraws have been moved to client-side scripting.
This system will no longer work, since version 04rel004.

Nitrous Oxide Systems

There are 2 versions:
[spoiler=Simple] can use the nitro whenever you want. :)
Just press ALT KEY and the nitro will be activated.
The bar will be shown, but will not decrease. For that, use the "Real" version of this script.
[/spoiler][spoiler=Real] can use the nitro just once at very 60 seconds. (you can change the value)
There are 10 units on the nitro bar, representing the quantity of nitro remained.
Once the tank is emty, you have to wait until it's refilled.
( but do not wait to see it refilling. I decided to not use another timer, so I used time(). You can check the tank by pressing ALT KEY or re-entering car )
The tank is decreasing even if there is no driver, as it should be.[/spoiler]

To make this (smoother) nitro script, instead of just speed boosting vehicles, I have played with vehicle's handling data.
I set it to increase Acceleration and MaxSpeed, and when the nitro is deactivated, all values returns to normal.

You need to copy the needed (2) sprites !
(or just download by clicking on them)

You can also create your own sprites, but be careful when you adapt the code.
Add them to ...server/store/sprites/

Enjoy it ! ;)
If you are going to use this script, do not forget to add a script that will remove the too old death messsages. ;)
Quote from: stormeus on Nov 18, 2014, 09:14 PMTry playing around with the offset option for the hat. There is also a rotation option, identical to offset (Vector), that rotates the hat as well, and a scale option (float) that resizes the hat.

I will try, once I recover my motivation.

Quote from: Thijn on Nov 19, 2014, 08:59 PMWhy is it white? Looks like some texture files aren't being loaded properly.

I didn't add any texture on it, yet.

Quote from: RATHORE on Nov 20, 2014, 05:56 AMTry this working for me awesome Clicky

I already have the file, but thanks. ;)

Thanks all for the replies ! :)
Quote from: S.L.C on Nov 19, 2014, 04:17 PMThat forum is down.

It was working good when I gave the link.
Check it in a few minutes/days, maybe it will be back up again.
It has already been discussed. Check this link:
Yes, I know. I recognized it.

Actually, I wanted to port it to 0.4 before Halloween...
So here it is:

There is nothing wrong with any file instead model.dff ... there is something to do about positions, or idk.
Hm, didn't see Thijn's reply.
Here is my reply: It also doesn't work.

I really believe it's model's fault. (there must be more settings I should take care, to place it on head)
A modeller would know the answer...
I have also converted VBS to 0.4 few months ago. You can compare your conversion with mine, and find out what's wrong with your server. :)
Do not forget to post the solution of your problem here.

>Click - Solidfiles<
Can't you just give more details than "not work" ? :|
Learn to be more understable than now.

ON: The plr isn't registered, there is no level specified. This means the server can't return something that doesn't exist.
You didn't check anywhere if the player is registered or not, so do it. ;)
else if ( (pData.account_id) && (!pData.logged_in) ) MessagePlayer( "Error - " + plr.Name + " is not a registered user !", player );
(this supposing you use VBS)
General Discussion / Re: GUPS 1.17
Nov 17, 2014, 07:19 PM
GUPS is made in Pawn lang, while 0.4's official scripting platform is Squirrel.
I suggest you to start scriptiong your own 0.4 server since 0.3 will not be supported anymore once the final version will be released.

You can profit from all new features of the newer version, including downloadable stuff. ;)
You can download a blank script from >here<, and develop it.
If you are in a trouble, just post in the >scripting board< and we will try to help you. ;)

Good luck !
Have you checked if player is registered ?
You better post the /level command.
Do you have any line like this: else if ( !plr ) MessagePlayer("Error - Unknown Player",player) ?
Have you checked if target player is online or not ?
Just seen now the mail. This time I received it. And yes, it is categoriozed as a spam.